I love tote bags. Can't seem to get enough of them. They are so practical for all type of errands - grocery shopping, taking stuff to and from kindergarten, beach trips, you name it. The one above is my latest and I'm very, very happy with it. It's designed by the talented Heather of
Skinny LaMinx and you can get your own from
her etsy shop, click here. Not only has she sewed it but she designed the lovely bird pattern and printed it too.
There are so many nice tote's around at the moment. Here are some of the ones I got my eyes on:
Luxor bag from Marimekko. Pattern by Rinne Niinikoski.
By Lucienne Day. Sadly no longer available... If any of you know where I can get one, PLEASE get in touch!
Picknick pattern by Marianne Westman. Most known for prints on ceramics, but now also available on linen. From Designtorget. Part of a lovely collection - I wouldn't mind the tea towel either.
'Jakten' tote, also from Designtorget. Pattern by Ulla Bodin.
So pleased you're enjoying your Eep! bag.
Beautiful Tote Cravings, looking very nice
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