Was I pleased when I found these two the other day. Yes, I was. The large vase is most likely a Bitossi, the smaller one is by John Anderson for Höganäs. Dare I say how much I paid for them..? The equivalent of $10. Yup :-)

On a more kitschy note (but not any less lovely), I also got these items: ice bucket of unknow make, mug by Staffordshire Potteries and a small creamer by Figgjo Flint with a pattern called Safran. Great mustardy 60s/70s colour.
i have a similar 'i think it's bitossi' but there is nothing on the bottom. is there any mark on the bottom of yours? x
This one is stamped 'Italy' and has a number written next to it. I have a huge matching ashtray with the same type of marks - I think I read somewhere that Bitossi used to mark items that way and not necessarily with their name.
♥ sigh! ♥
I have some things very similar to the big vase, I bought them 10 years ago in a tourist shop on a small island just off Sardinia. Saw them all over Sardinia afterwards, seemed like it was a common souvenir. But I just loved the colors on it.
Foudn this article that explains about the marks on Bitossi-items.
You are right that some may be marked only with Italy, but in a special way.
Meant to include the link...
And discovered that mine are actually marked Bitossi. Cool.
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