Before I go away for the weekend (offline) I thought I'd serve you a little treat. If you have a connection to Scandinavia you might be aware of the phenomenon of 'dansband'. If not, you can read more about it at the end of this post.
The photos are from the book Svenska Dansband (which can be ordered for only SEK 59,-/about $10 at Bokus - they deliver Internationally. Totally worth the investment). If you have some spare time (like a couple of weeks) and would like to see a lot more dansband photos, log on to www.svenskadansband.se where you can browse some 6800+ images. In alphabetical order. Enjoy!

This one's been doing the internet rounds for years, but it's kind of like the mother of all dansband pics so I simply had to include it:

Have a nice weekend!
Jeez, this got me chuckling - and right in the middle of trying to do costing spreadsheets, so thanks for that!
Menneskets evne til å pynte seg kjenner ingen grenser. Det er kjempesøtt. Klærne her er mer kreative enn selve musikken!
God helg selv :)
this is just too funny! and i love the story behind them. i can't see them doing swing music, they look more glam rock. that one who's intriguing you...a little bit jemaine non?
have a lovely weekend. x
Formidable !
Voilà qui met de bonne humeur : comment une époque a-t-elle rendu possible un tel délire décomplexé !
Aujourd'hui parait morose et sérieux à côté.
Oh wow, were there really that many dance bands in Sweden?:D Pretty nostalgic though:)
Glad this one was to your likings :-)
Francesca: Haha, you might be right about the Jemaineness. Only you would see that particular link.
Henriette: My french is a little rusty, but I appreciate your comments! Merci.
Aini: I'm afraid so. Yes, very nostalgic indeed.
Oh these are just too fabulous for words. I'm speechless!
someone was able to convince not oe or tow but five or six guys to wear these outfits at the same time. hilarious
OMG! Dette er jo helt fantastisk! Hvilken estetikk!
Gert-Jonnys bild är en klassiker!
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