Well, the plate is actually Stavangerflint - possibly an Inger Waage design. I have not seen it on any other items before, and I don't know the pattern name. The cup is one I 'borrowed' from my mum's cabin this summer. I'm not usually into roses, but I think this one is stunning. Must be the leaves that goes with it. The last item is a lidded jam pot - a new addition to the collection.

Flotte ting, som vanlig :)
Jeg kjenner faktisk ei som har ett helt sett med tallerkner i det første mønsteret. Kjempekoslig :) Hvor kjøpte du tallerkenen?
Hei Moseplassen! Jeg fant denne ene tallerkenen på QXL.
Janne, kjenner du til historien til Stavanger Flint og Figgjo Flint? Når var det Stavanger Flint drev produksjon? Var de "forløperen" til Figgjo? Har forsøkt å google litt på temaet, men så langt ikke funnet noe. Er ivrig samler selv, skjønner du :-) Noen av mine funn kan du se her.
Hi there,
Do you have any information regarding the jam pot?
I have a full coffee set bought from a charity shop and would love to know more ab out it's age / design etc.
Hi Anonymous
I am pretty sure the pattern is from the 60s. I'm sorry I don't have any exact information for you. I know a few tableware sets were designed especially for the corporate market - I have a feeling this could be one of those, going by the pattern. I will let you know if I should come across any more info about this. Thanks for your interest!
Hi there Janne,
Thanks for the quick reply and I'll keep popping back here and searching for info. If I do manage to find out anything I'll let you know.
The set is my favourite charity shop buy.
Hi there Janne,
Thanks for the reply.
I'll keep popping back and searching myself, if I manage to find anything out myself I'll post it here.
The set is my favourite ever charity shop buy!
Mønsteret på tallerkenen heter "Polka" :)
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