The mixing bowls are from Rosti, Denmark, the brown plastic canister is by Anm. Design, the mug with hearts is by Table Tops, Cartwrights, Staffordshire, England and the cup and saucer is of unknown make.

West German vases, white Höganäs Keramik (Sweden) tulip candleholder and a beautiful dish by Norwegian artist Finn Hald. Unfortunately the dish has a small chip damage, but I think it looks great regardless. Also, it was a bargain. I paid about $16.
For the lot.
What a great haul! I am loving it all, but that little dish is
loving those hearts! i'm thinking you must be running out of space, non? x
Love the heart mug and canister the most. Good finds even if they weren't what you went for - isn't that always the way though! :)
Så at en side i Danmark som selger slike trefigurer, to for 75,-. Gå inn på jakmussen.dk under jul :) Noe for deg!
jeg har to bokser helt lik i deisgnen som din brune. de er et sett og er i fargen grønn (sånn barnegrønn) med rødoransje hjerter. men mine er i blekk. og veldig kule. arvet etter mamma selvsagt og fra 70-tallet selvsagt :O).
I would kill for those heart treasures! You get me every time...
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