I have some fantastic blog friends out there, let me tell you. Look what turned up in my post box today: A four-pack of Christmas cards. Aren't they great? You can purchase them from the lovely Francesca of Mrs Eliot Books. (Click on the name for her web site or here to go to her Etsy shop.) Thank you so much, Francesca!
Wow, love her designs! I just hearted the shop, and I will definitely be buying some cards soon.
I hope you don't mind Janne, I published a post featuring your blog today. Thanks so much for the constant design inspiration, and your always thoughtful comments on my blog!
What's blogging my view is a lot of things; Interiors, architecture, ceramics, patterns, textiles, people, dogs, music, travelling and shopping to mention the more frequent distractions.
Christmas cards???
Yes, Line. I have updated the post now to also include that piece of info..
everyone thinks i am crazy getting these in my shop so soon but we have post strikes over here so i am getting in there early!
p.s. you're welcome! x
Wow, love her designs! I just hearted the shop, and I will definitely be buying some cards soon.
I hope you don't mind Janne, I published a post featuring your blog today. Thanks so much for the constant design inspiration, and your always thoughtful comments on my blog!
love your cards, francesca! all of them. if i really have to pick a favourite i has to be How to Grow.
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