These retro cups and saucers from Staffordshire Potteries in England are of special significance to me. For as long as I can remember, they were in my family's cabin up in the mountains. A few years back my mum bought some horrible cheap new stuff to replace them, and since then they've been living with me. It wasn't a painless move, however. Three of the saucers slipped out of a certain person’s hands and broke, one after another over a short period of time. These incidents prompted me to put the leftovers in the cupboard for safe storage. Until today, when they came out to be photographed to celebrate the fact that I've found replacements on ebay. Hooray!
They might be nothing special to look at (although I love the colour combo), but the look of them brings back fond memories of sunny coffee breaks out in the snow on past Easter holidays.
good old ebay!
Oh, I love these!
We actually have a similar staffordshire coffee set at our family cabin in the woods, only in orange and red. Every time I go to visit there I just want to bring them home with me. :)
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