I have spent quite a lot of the holiday shopping on ebay. (I know... not much of a social life at the moment.) I'm an on-and-off shopper, and I'm currently enjoying an On-phase. Today I received the first lot - a beautiful vintage Portmeirion lidded pot and one small coffee cup and saucer. The pattern is called Totem (1963) and is by Susan Williams-Ellis. I've had it at the back of my head for a looong time and am very happy to finally own some. It comes in other colours too, like blue, green, grey and a burnt orange. I personally prefer the white.
I have some vague plans to go to Portmeirion, Wales. It looks like a really interesting place. Apparently it's a peninsula which should suit me fine as I live on one here in Norway.
Beautiful design, have not seen this before.
Love to discover new things to research.
And yes, I also have had an ebay splurge this christmas. It is so exiting to have small packages popping up in my mailbox, it`s like newer ending christmas. :)
ooh i love your new purchases. i just won a tapio wirkkala pollo vase...so excited to get it! and i'm thinking about a john clappison aphrodite vase...ahhh ebay!
i just linked to your christmas cards by the way.
Oh, I like this so much! Great to see the lovely things you've been finding!
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