It's been some very though days around here lately after my dog passed away. Nothing could have prepared me for all the strange reminders that pop up everywhere. Her absence is so overwhelming. I keep thinking she's in her favorite spot on the sofa, keep wanting to give her a little treat from the left-over dinner, I can't get used to her bed and food bowls being gone (although keeping them in place would be even more painful). Yesterday when I came into the house I thought for a second that I saw her shadow through the frosted glass door in the hallway - as she always came running to greet me when I'd been out. If only...

We buried her on Sunday, and I thought she should have something with her in the grave. I decided on her small pillow which she loved to rest her head on or give a good toss around when in a playful mood. I found it many years ago from a fleamarket in the children's ward of a hospital, and thought the hand-crafted dandelions where beautiful. That pillow's had a few lives already and now it has its final rest together with Gunn.
Thanks to all of my blog-friends for all their kind words and comments on Gunn's passing. It means a lot to me.
Oh I'm so sorry to read about your dog's passing. It can be very hard to move ahead and the reminders do crop up at unexpected times.
I know Gunn will hold a special place in your heart always. I'm thinking of you and sending you my warmest wishes...
I hope you are ok and can remember the good times without too much pain. That cushion was lovely :)
Hei Janne
Jeg føler med deg. Vi har også mistet vår kjære Bella for 8 dager siden. Hun hadde svulst og antagelig hatt mye vondt. Det er så tomt og trist.
Moren til Marieinwonderland
Thank you for your nice comments. Things are slowly getting a bit better.
janne, it breaks my heart. hope it will get better with time. x
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