Here's a little beauty I forgot to post yesterday. It's one of my favorite vintage patterns. It's Turi-design again, hand-painted, and the design is called Elvira. I only have this little sugar (or jam) pot, but I think it's one of the nicest parts of the set with the motif going around the whole pot. Although I'm not a big fan of pink, I think it works to perfection on this design.
these are lovely...i don't know this design at all.
p.s we are not going to make it to norway unfortunately, there is too little time. but ben is desperate to go up north, so if this mini scandi trip goes well, we will do norway next year.
Upptäckte din blogg idag - helt fantastisk!! Jag samlar också på porslin och var en tur på Fretex (den i närheten av Bryn) och där stod en helt perfekt Elvira-kanna för bara 50 kr. Jag hade inte plats för den, så om du åker upp imorgon (=ons 17/6) finns den säkert kvar :-)
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