My web-shop is finally launched! It is currently in Norwegian only as I am limited to ship within Scandinavia to begin with (due to high shipping costs). I will look into the possibilities of also shipping to other countries should there be an interest. Otherwise I am planning on setting up an Etsy shop with my smaller products sometime before Christmas.
At the moment my web-shop line consists of cushions (pillows as you say in the US) made from vintage scarves, trays and notebooks. More is in the pipeline.
I was looking at http://play.blogger.com/ and I saw your logo, so I checked out your blog. If you want sell "designed" stuff online there's a great little shopping cart system called http://www.bigcartel.com/ that you should check out. Good luck!
gorgeous janne! good luck.
Gratulerer så mye med nettbutikken. Kjempeflotte ting du lager, håper du selger bra!
Ooohhh I love those pillows ;o)
Have enjoyed your blog! I know the feeling. I am also trying to get a shop up and running - and it is so time consuming. Found your blog through Francesca. I am also working on some stuff with vintage scarves, but it is a bit different to yours. All the best with your blog and your shop! I will be back! I love the name of your blog!
Congratulation....You have made a very lovely and professionel shop....go girl....
Thank you all so much! I truly appreciate it :-)
good luck with your shop...quite frankly i do not think you are going to need it. your cushions are beautiful and my sofa is waiting patiently for when you make it big and are selling world wide...trust me it won't be long :)
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