This bird dish I remember sitting in my grandmother's front room. I had completely forgotten about it until I found one on ebay. I simply had to have it. The brushstrokes and colours are great - very 50's - and I love the shape. The other vintage Stavanger Flint item here is a plate of which I have only this one. I use it almost everyday. If somebody knows they name of the design/pattern, please let me know!
I know the name of the design. I have only 1 too, and I really wish some more.
the name is "tutti frutti" and according the name I think they are for fruit, and it do not think that it exist cups and so on.
I have also a big plate of the same, but I have not seen more of this design =)
Thanks Eugenia. Tutti Frutti sounds about right. I also heard someone call it Good Morning, but I'm not sure.
I have since gotten hold of a small serving dish with this pattern too.
i also just found a similar plate at an estate sale (in houston, texas USA) and can't find much info on-line. it is a similar plate, yet since it is hand painted the amount and position of the circles and lines are different. very interesting!
thank you for the info!
The designer is Inger Waage (1923-1995). She was the most famous designer for Stavangerflint and Figgjo for several years. She made art pieces like the one (or is it two) you have with two birds theme.
( http://stavangerflint.gratisnettside.no/?&mid=117.
See also http://snl.no/.bilde/Inger_Waage_3 )
The plate is from her breakfast series "Good Morning".
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