Friday, March 27, 2009

City - the chair

This is an old favorite of mine. It's called City and was designed in 1954 by Norwegian designer Øivind Iversen. It was his final degree piece while studying at Statens Kunst og Håndtverkskole, and the first bent plywood chair to be produced in this country (the production factory was Møre Lenestolfabrikk in Ørsta). It was one of the first standard products offered up to buyers of public and private places of gatherings.

After having been away from the market for years, the City chair was put back into production again a few years ago and available in retail. I am lucky enough to have some vintage ones, most of them derived from my mother's old workplace (a hospital). Some or them were rather damaged and in need of some tender loving care - I sanded them down and painted them. I used them for a long time but they're now in storage - waiting for the next round. (Hence the production photos and not my private ones.) At the time I was dreaming of owning Arne Jacobsens 'Ant' or 'Syveren' chairs, but now I'd rather have these. Preferably in walnut...


Linda Maria Szücs said...

Hei! Det er en fin stol! Fint å ha noen originale. Bra du fikk hjelp med fuglen ;) God helg!

Unknown said...


Har 4 stk orginale City stoler og jakter flere....

Hvem kan hjelpe?

Janne said...

Hei Cecilie. Jeg burde nesten selge deg noen av mine... De står på oppbevaring fortsatt :-o

Anonymous said...


har selv noen City stoler som er slitte- kan du fortelle mer om hvordan du pusset dem (sandpapir grovhet etc) og hva slags lakk du brukte? mine er i eik originalt tror jeg.

Janne said...

Det er over 10 år siden jeg pusset mine, og overflaten var så skadet at jeg valgte slipe og male de. Det var med andre ord ikke så profft gjort... I dag ville jeg kanskje rådført meg med en som kan restaurere møbler 'på ordentlig'. Beklager, men dette var nok ikke så mye hjelp!

Anonymous said...

ok, takk likevel! tenkte faktisk å ta de med til en møbelsnekker og høre hva han kan gjøre..