One of the things I'm enjoying by being a mum, is revisiting things from my own childhood. Only this time I get to see things from an adult's perspective too. Great fun! At the moment I'm really admiring the illustrations in The Mole cartoons from the 70's (above), I enjoy reading Barbapapa books and eating my son's lovely kiddie biscuits, like these Muumi ones... :-)

Check out YouTube for The Mole and Barbapapa cartoons.
Oooh, I love those illustrations! Will check out the cartoon when eldest daughter gets home. Thank you!
Ah, I've seen The Mole before. I always thought it was Russian. The Mole and The Snail one is so cute.
I believe it is Czech.
Do you know that we have these moles (stuffed animals) in our webshop? barniigjen.I have one myself and it's really cute. They are made at a toyfactory in the Chech- rep. and of really good quality. I'm also fascinated by these things. I also love playmobil and Colargol ;)
love this! But do you know the name of the pattern on the plate? I am trying to colect them, but I can't even find the name of them...
Hei Lille Persille! I think the pattern is called 'Good Morning'. It's by Inger Waage for Stavangerflint.
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